

My name is Sara. I am a make-up artist and hairstylist from Milan. I started this as a hobby, for performance art and theatre, progressing to more professional work in fashion, allowing me to experiment and express myself to the fullest.

The fashion world continuously evolves, requiring constant ongoing work to keep up-to-date. I am professional and competent in my work, and never stop in my search to find the very best tools for my trade, especially with the technology and style changes.

Before being a make-up artist, I trained as a nurse. This study (a properly recognised degree course in Italy) has made me very aware of human behaviour aspects that have proved extremely useful in my work: partially for the emotional side of make-up, the emphasis of one’s strong points and the hiding of small imperfections, increasing self-esteem, the moments of self-respect, and care and love; but also for the scientific knowledge of physiology and anatomy, leading to my greater attention in product and treatment choice.

I have experience in multiple sectors of make-up artistry, gained through numerous projects with a variety of photographers, stylists, designers, and models, including some celebrities. Study and practice continues to build up my experience.

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